What? Another medical form to fill out?

It can be frustrating to be asked to fill out medical forms yet again for a health care visit. But even if you have an electronic medical record, a practice might need you to provide or update information, and it’s helpful to know what is most important or likely to be requested.

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Sleeping apart: Good for your sex life?

A survey found that one-third of couples reported occasionally or regularly sleeping in separate rooms to accommodate a bed partner. The main motivation behind separate sleeping is to ensure both people get a good night’s rest, as sleep can get disrupted by a partner’s snoring, teeth grinding, thrashing, sleep schedule, and different sleeping environments. Couples should work together to ensure sleeping apart does not interfere with intimacy, such as scheduling snuggle time, taking naps together, and planning times for sexual activity.

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Take a Nordic walk

Nordic walking mimics the motion of cross-country skiing with the use of poles to push the walker along. It is a popular way to enjoy the benefits of walking while getting a full-body workout. Studies have shown that Nordic walking burns more calories than regular walking and may help lower “bad” LDL cholesterol levels. The activity also is ideal for older adults as it can help improve mobility and balance.

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Drugs for Alzheimer’s disease

There is no cure for Alzheimer’s, but medication can help manage the disease. Currently, the main FDA-approved drugs used to treat Alzheimer’s are symptomatic drugs, which ease symptoms but don’t address the cause of the disease. A new medication has been shown to slow the disease’s progression and reverse some of its effects on memory among people with mild Alzheimer’s.

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10 habits for good health

The foundation of a healthy lifestyle consists of lasting habits like eating right, maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly, managing mental health, and getting routine medical and wellness exams. Even making daily, small steps toward these goals can have a significant impact. Everyday strategies include doing morning stretching, taking regular naps, breathing exercises to manage stress, caring for skin and teeth, and being social.

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