‘Friendly’ Bacteria May Soothe Colic

Daily doses of “friendly” bacteria may help colicky babies cry less, a new study finds. The study included 50 babies, ages 2 to 16 weeks old. All of them were fed only breast milk. On average, they cried about 5 to 6 hours a day. Half of the babies were randomly assigned to receive drops containing Lactobacillus reuteri bacteria. These are known as probiotic bacteria. They may help digestion and also crowd out harmful bacteria in the gut. The other half of the babies received placebo drops. Mothers kept diaries recording how much their babies cried during the 3-week study. By the end, both groups were crying less. But crying time dropped much more in the group that received the probiotic bacteria. Their average crying time was 35 minutes a day, compared with 90 minutes for the placebo group. The journal Pediatrics published the study online.

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