Weight-Loss Surgery Backed for Diabetics
Surgery to help people lose weight is a good treatment for some people with diabetes. That’s the view of an expert group, the International Diabetes Federation (IDF). The group issued its endorsement March 28. The new guidelines cover procedures known as bariatric surgery. They make the stomach smaller so people eat less. This surgery can return blood sugar levels to normal for some diabetics, the IDF said. Some also can reduce or avoid the need for medicine. The new guidelines say surgery is OK when someone with diabetes has a body mass index (BMI) of at least 35. Someone with this BMI is very obese. Diabetics who are less obese also could qualify for surgery. People in this group should have a BMI of 30 to 35. They also should have tried and failed to control diabetes with medicine, diet and exercise. The IDF guidelines are similar to those issued last month by the U.S.