Study: Eliquis OK for Clots in Veins
A new pill works as well as standard treatment to prevent blood clots in the legs and lungs, a new study finds. The study focused on treatment of venous thromboembolism, a clot that forms in a vein. These clots are most dangerous when they travel to the lungs. The clots usually are treated first with injections of the “blood thinner” heparin. This is followed by warfarin (Coumadin), which acts more slowly and is given as a pill. It’s tricky to get the right dose of warfarin. Using too much or too little can lead to bleeding or clots. The new study compared standard treatment with a newer pill, apixaban (Eliquis). It starts acting right away, so heparin is not needed. Nearly 5,400 people with a history of clots were randomly divided into 2 groups. One group got standard treatment. The other received apixaban.