Report Outlines Pet-Food Salmonella Risk
At least 79 people got sick in a two-year salmonella outbreak linked to pet food, researchers report. The new study gives details of the outbreak, which began in 2006. Salmonella bacteria can cause bloody diarrhea and fever. At least 11 people were hospitalized, but no one died. The outbreak was traced to dry dog and cat food. It was made at a Mars Petcare US plant in Pennsylvania. The plant made several brands of food, including Pedigree and Special Kitty. Investigators think food got contaminated when it was sprayed with flavor enhancers. Nearly half of those who got sick were children under age 2. But there’s no evidence that they ate pet food. Researchers said they probably touched pets or their dishes and then put their hands in their mouths. Many families with illness fed their pet in the kitchen, researchers said. The journal Pediatrics published the study online.