Puberty Starting Earlier for Boys
American boys, like girls, may be entering puberty earlier than they did 30 to 40 years ago, a new study finds. Based on prior research, doctors have considered 11½ to be the average age of puberty for boys. In the new study, the average was about 10 for whites and Hispanics. The average was 9 for blacks, about 2 years earlier than prior studies showed. The new study was based on exams of more than 4,000 boys. Their ages ranged from 6 to 16. Doctors in 41 states recorded information during well-child visits. They took note of pubic hair, genital size and testicle size. Growth of testicles is considered the first sign of puberty for boys. Other research has shown that puberty in girls is starting sooner. This may lead to a higher risk of breast cancer. It’s unclear why early puberty may be happening in boys, researchers said.