Potassium May Lower Risk of Stroke
Eating foods rich in potassium can reduce stroke risk, a new study finds. Researchers looked at information from 11 studies. They included 247,510 people. The studies asked people what they ate in the last day, or measured food intake in other ways. Follow-up lasted 5 to 19 years. The new study put together results from all of the studies. It found that people who ate at least 1.64 grams of potassium daily had a 21% lower risk of stroke. Their risk of heart disease also was lower, but not as much. That link may have been the result of chance. Potassium is found in fruits, vegetables, fish, poultry and dairy products. It is known to help lower blood pressure. It also may help to prevent the blood vessel damage that leads to stroke and heart disease, the lead researcher told HealthDay News. The Journal of the American College of Cardiology published the study.