Half of Men May Have HPV Infection
About half of adult men may be infected with human papilloma virus (HPV), a new study suggests. This virus causes genital warts. Some strains cause cervical cancer in women. HPV also can cause cancers of the anus, penis, vagina, mouth and throat. The study included more than 1,100 men, ages 18 to 70. They were from the United States, Brazil and Mexico. All were tested for HPV when they enrolled in the study. Half of them were infected, the author told Reuters Health news service. They also were tested every 6 months for another 2 to 3 years. Researchers found that 6% of the men became newly infected each year with HPV 16. That’s one of the HPV strains that causes most of the cancers. The journal Lancet published the study online. Reuters wrote about it March 1.