A portion of autism spectrum disorders are caused by single-gene mutations. Researchers hope that by studying how these mutations lead to autism disorders, they can find ways to block or reverse the symptoms.
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Cancer survivors must contend with a number of psychological issues that are frequently not understood by family members, friends, and coworkers.
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Effective treatment for alcohol dependency is available, but treatment rates among alcohol abusers are low because of lack of awareness and embarrassment.
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According to an analysis of appointment data, psychiatrists are spending less time on psychotherapy with their patients. This is due mainly to health care bureaucracy and increased prescription of medications.
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Researchers are attempting to identify areas of the brain responsible for the sensation of writer’s cramp.
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In a study of children and adolescents with bipolar disorder, the anticonvulsant drug divalproex was no more effective than a placebo.
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Second-generation antipsychotic drugs are sometimes being used to treat dementia in the elderly, but the potential side effects and other risks outweight the benefits in many instances.
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The level of lead in the blood of Americans has decreased dramatically since the 1970s, but research is suggesting that even low-level exposure may result in learning and behavior problems in children.
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The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force is recommending that adolescents be screened for depression when the systems to diagnose and treat them are available.
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Study of the gene that helps regulate humans’ circadian rhythms has found that an irregularity in this gene may be related to the development of bipolar disorder.
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