I am a fit 49-year-old woman in good health with good cholesterol levels. I had an echo cardio stress test due to chest pain, and the cardiologist discovered that I have left bundle branch block. He did not seem too concerned about this, but after I researched this on the internet, I am. Should I worry? Are there any preventative measures I can take? How will this affect me as I age?
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Does the lactose in dairy products cause pain and stiffness in the joints of people with arthritis?
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I have had acid reflux off and on in the past, but it has been much better recently. About one year ago, a doctor looked down my esophagus and into my stomach (a test he called an upper endoscopy). My esophagus was inflamed and I was told to take the medication Aciphex indefinitely. I rarely have heartburn and never need antacids. I certainly don't want to take this medicine forever. If I eat less acidic foods and don't experience heartburn, is it necessary to take this drug to keep my esophagus healthy?
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A male, 45-year old friend has confided in me that he has a small lump in his left breast. It is about 2 inches above his left nipple and hurts to the touch. The surrounding area is swollen. He?s had this problem for about three weeks now, but he won?t go and see his doctor. I know he is very worried about breast cancer. Could these symptoms be caused by other conditions? He is quite overweight and both drinks and smokes.
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I am a 15-year-old girl and I have had my period since I was about 11. But now I am two months late. I have never been anywhere close to a guy, but my parents are convinced that I am pregnant and want me to go get checked out. I am terrified of doctors and want to prolong the appointment as long as possible. What could be wrong with me?
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I have been experiencing numbness in the right side of my right thigh. At night when I go to bed, that numbness turns into a hot burning sensation. I recently had an operation on my left shoulder, but I wouldn?t think this would have anything to do with the numbness. Do you have any suggestions as to what might cause this kind of numbness? Do you think it will eventually go away?
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When I got a splinter last year, I didn’t think too much of the situation at first. But a couple of weeks later, my elbow started to swell up. I went to the hospital and was told I had a Methicillin-resistant Staph aureus (MRSA) infection. After a month of taking Zyvox (linezolid), I was told I no longer had MRSA. Recently, I stepped on a bathroom rug that still had a staple in it and a red pimple started to appear. I went to a foot doctor who said it was the beginning of staph infection. Once you have had MRSA does it always stay in your body — or am I just having a bunch of bad luck?
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What would cause a 14-year-old girl to have joint pain? Her knee and wrist swell and cause her a great deal of pain. The wrist had a bluish color for a while. It went away, but the swelling and pain did not. She had an MRI done, but it showed nothing.
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I have recently started having a problem with swallowing foods. It seems like my throat muscles just stopped working. What could this be? It is really starting to bother me.
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I can’t decide what to do about getting flu shots. I am two months pregnant. What are your thoughts?
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