Stress Fractures and Calcium Supplements
I was diagnosed with a stress fracture of the tibia. Will a calcium supplement help the healing process or prevent recurrence? If so, how much should I take?
I was diagnosed with a stress fracture of the tibia. Will a calcium supplement help the healing process or prevent recurrence? If so, how much should I take?
I am a 47-year-old female recently diagnosed with Crohn's disease. I do not appear to have a severe case; however, I have noticed more low back pain ? I've had back problems in the past ? along with pain sometimes going down my thigh that moves into my buttocks or pelvic area. Could this be related to the Crohn's?
Does sunscreen expire? is an SPF of 45 just as effective as SPF 60? I was told that after SPF, they are all about the same. Is that true?
I have diabetes. Could an inhaled corticosteroid used to treat asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease cause a rise in my blood sugar?
Is it safe to get a flu shot if I am still breastfeeding?
My mother is a type 1 diabetic and has been diagnosed with gastroparesis. She is suffering terribly with this disease. Is there a special diet that she can follow?
I had eczema for the first time last fall, at age 22. Now, this Spring I have it again. Do seasonal changes affect eczema?
How serious is premature ventricular contraction?
What are scabies, and how do we get rid of them?
How much vitamin D should children get per day? Is the amount based on age or weight?