2-Year, 10% Weight Loss May Boost Health
Women in a study who kept off excess weight for 2 years may have reduced their risk of heart disease and diabetes, researchers report. The study included 417 overweight or obese women. They were randomly assigned to follow either the Jenny Craig program or a self-directed diet program. They provided fasting blood samples before the study. Researchers checked blood samples again after 12 and 24 months. About 70% of all women had sustained weight loss after 2 years. Those who followed the commercial program had greater reductions. Women who lost at least 10% of their weight and kept it off for 2 years also showed signs of better health. They had improvements in factors that affect the risk of heart disease and diabetes. These included lower LDL (“bad cholesterol”) and triglycerides, another blood fat. They also had a drop in C-reactive protein, which indicates inflammation.