THC Pill No Help for Dementia Behaviors
In a small study, a “medical marijuana” pill did not help behavior problems caused by dementia any more than a placebo, researchers report. The study included 50 people. They were having behavior problems linked with their dementia. They showed aggression, acted agitated or wandered. People were randomly assigned to take either the “medical marijuana” pill or a placebo (fake) pill 3 times a day. The marijuana pill contained synthetic THC, the active ingredient in marijuana. In the next 3 weeks, most people improved. But the THC group did not improve any more than the placebo group. Researchers said maybe just the extra attention of being in the study helped to soothe behavior problems. Side effects also were similar between the two groups. None were serious. Researchers said they will do another study using a larger dose of THC. The journal Neurology published the study.