Value of Esophagus Cancer Monitoring Questioned
Guidelines that recommend regular screening and monitoring for esophageal cancer may need to be re-evaluated, a new study says. Screening is done by inserting an endoscope (flexible tube) into the esophagus to examine the cells that line it. Danish researchers examined 11,028 patients from 1992 to 2009. They all had been diagnosed with Barrett’s esophagus. This condition is often caused by GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). It also is a risk factor for developing esophageal cancer. But researchers found that the risk is smaller than previously estimated. The risk of cancer is higher in those patients who have more severe cellular changes. Other factors, such as age, race, sex and weight, also play a part. The study appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine. HealthDay News reported on it Oct. 12.