A growing number of studies show health benefits related to owning a dog. This includes improved heart health, according to two recent studies. This may be the case because dog owners get more exercise caring for their animals, and they may spend more time outdoors. In addition, the companionship may help their mental health.
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Chronic inflammation inside the body occurs when the immune response goes awry. It’s thought to contribute to a number of diseases, but it may be controlled using diet and exercise.
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Osteoarthritis cannot be reversed, but symptoms can be reduced by exercising the affected area, and taking steps to control pain as advised by your doctor.
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There is no health reason to switch from cow’s milk to a plant-based alternative. But people who do want to switch should ensure that the product they choose has a nutritional profile similar to cow’s milk. Some plant-based milks contain similar nutrients. Others fall short, particularly on protein. People should also try to avoid products with extra sugar and other additives.
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Changes in female hormone levels can bring about mood changes or mild mood disorders during perimenopause and the transition into menopause. However, this is also a time when life circumstances or physical changes can play a role in mood shifts. Women should be aware that this may occur and be certain to bring bothersome mood changes to the attention of their doctors.
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Heavy drinking may cause damage to heart tissue, even before symptoms are present.
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People who worked 49 or more hours each week were more likely to have high blood pressure than workers who were on the job fewer than 35 hours a week. This difference remained after taking into account other risk factors for high blood pressure.
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Researchers are embarking on a study to test whether contrast-enhanced spectral mammography (CESM) screening is better than other technologies at finding breast cancers in women with dense breast tissue.
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Depressive symptoms that occur only in the winter months may be the result of seasonal affective disorder.
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Smoking may increase your chances of developing schizophrenia or depression, says a study published Nov. 6, 2019, in Psychological Medicine.
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