Chlorophyll – No Proven Health Benefits

A co-worker has a history of breast cancer. At her recent checkup, her white blood cell count was low. She began adding liquid chlorophyll to her water, saying it increases oxygen in the blood, cleanses the liver, deodorizes the bowels, and removes toxins from blood tissues, bones and the intestines. I have searched for information on this, but have only found anecdotal evidence. I found one statement that said that too much chlorophyll was poisonous. Is there any evidence that chlorophyll does these things?

Effectiveness of Natural Remedies to Reverse Osteoporosis

For many years I took Aciphex and then learned it may have been a factor in giving me osteoporosis. I do not want to take biphosphonates for mild osteoporosis. My naturopathic healer suggests calcium aspartate, along with a high dose of vitamin D and weight-bearing exercise, as well as eating dark, leafy greens. Can this regimen, as well as stopping the Aciphex, reverse osteoporosis?