How do you stop nose bleeds?
I just had a nose bleed and I wasn't sure how to stop it. What do you suggest if it happens again?
I just had a nose bleed and I wasn't sure how to stop it. What do you suggest if it happens again?
What symptoms do you have when you are exposed to mold in your home?
I just turned 68. I have recently noticed that I am losing some sense of smell. Is this expected at my age?
What is the “metabolic syndrome”?
What are the effects of acetaminophen on the liver?
I have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea. Is there any connection between the two?
I recently had a heart attack. My doctor has recommended cardiac rehab. What does that involve?
I have heart failure. My doctor has suggested that I get an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator to help protect me from sudden death. I am not sure I want this. What else can I do to improve my prognosis?